New Beginnings (Lamentations 3:22-24) by Chloe Noel Lacefield
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New Beginnings (Lamentations 3:22-24) (2024)

Chloe Noel Lacefield
New Beginnings - (Lamentations 3:22-24)

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

It is was the beginning of 2023 in Texas. The sun had just risen and the snow had begun to melt. The preceding months has been hard. So many things ended. Relationship ended, a life ended, dreams ended. I felt shattered and hopeless. Nothing felt good, everything felt tainted.

After a week of being stuck inside due to ice, I was stir crazy. I went on a walk that cold February morning. I went to my favorite place, when I needed solace with God. Where I went to clear my head.

As I walked along the path the snow looked so white and clean. The water sparkled from the sunlight. It was a beautiful, relaxing, and refreshing sight. The sun mixed with the snow was something I hadn't seen often. As an artist I felt inclined to snap a couple of photos.

At the time I didn't know what God was doing with my life, but I took comfort in the fact that He never changed, his Love never ceased, He was faithful, He would never leave. He was someone I could hope in and He wouldn't let me down.
A year later I came across that photo again and decided to paint it. Painting it was therapeutic as I reflected on how God had brought me through that last year.

He pruned me, as He says He will in John 15. He took out good things, to make room for better things. The lessons I learned by the removal of those good things are lessons I cherish. I am thankful for the pain, I am thankful God allowed me to walk through that valley and that He did it with me.

The picture now feels so symbolic. It was morning, a new day. The snow was melting making everything feel new. It was still winter, still a while until summer, but there was still beauty to be found. That day when I felt like everything was ending... There was also so much beginning. It was a new morning, new dawn, new day, new chapter. It was a hard chapter, but it was also a really good chapter.